Afkary is a blog by Daniel Kaihatsu.

Born and raised in the United Arab Emirates, Daniel has always had a keen interest in learning more about the wider world around him. Growing up in a multicultural environment, he was inspired to become more familiar with the various cultures, religions, languages and traditions that were woven into the fabric of his daily life, spending much of his time buried within the pages of non-fiction to learn more – if not out experiencing the real thing. He takes great pleasure in the acts of cross-cultural exchange and sharing.

Daniel was a BAFTA Award finalist in the 2017 Young Game Designers Awards for an educational game concept that utilised tangential learning in order to help people studying Japanese in memorising kanji, and holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Game Design and Production, intersecting his interest in the games industry and cultural literacy to promote ‘creativity through culture’. He currently works as a type designer in Osaka, Japan.

In his spare time, Daniel works on a YouTube channel called Kaihatsu, sharing his interest in creativity through culture via the medium of video game analysis and criticism. His videos have been spotlighted in a variety of publications – Kotaku being one example. He also previously ran a Twitter microblog about video game typography called Fontendo (which has been cited on FontsInUse, 30pin, and the Financial Times Online), and has produced some typefaces of his own that are available for free.

Daniel has also had a variety of his other work and projects featured around the web. His freelance Japanese translation work has appeared on popular YouTube channel DidYouKnowGaming on more than one occasion, and his restorations of old Nintendo factory photographs were highlighted by multiple gaming outlets such as GameRant and NintendoLife.

As a Scot living in Japan, he frequently visits Ainu communities in Hokkaido as a representative of the Japan Society of Scotland with the aim of maintaining historical ties, strengthening relations, and promoting cultural exchange between the two peoples.

Daniel is an avid traveller and has visited more than twenty five countries spread across all of the continents – barring Antarctica. Though he currently resides in Japan, he maintains strong social and cultural ties to the country of his birth, returning to the United Arab Emirates when possible.

The contents of this website represent Daniel’s personal views, opinions and creative output, and are in no way, shape or form connected to his employer.
